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riemax.manifold.geodesic.geodesic_dynamics(state: TangentSpace[jax.Array], metric: MetricFn) -> TangentSpace[jax.Array]

Compute update step for the geodesic dynamics.

The geodesic equation

\[ \ddot{\gamma}^k + \Gamma^k_{\phantom{k}ij} \dot{\gamma}^i \dot{\gamma}^j = 0 \]

is a second order ordinary differential equation. We take the conventional approach of splitting this into two first-order ordinary differential equations.


Name Type Description Default
state riemax.manifold.types.TangentSpace[jax.Array]

current state of the geodesic integration

metric riemax.manifold.types.MetricFn

function defining the metric tensor on the manifold



Type Description

derivatives used to compute update for the state

Source code in src/riemax/manifold/
def geodesic_dynamics(state: TangentSpace[jax.Array], metric: MetricFn) -> TangentSpace[jax.Array]:
    r"""Compute update step for the geodesic dynamics.

    The geodesic equation

    \ddot{\gamma}^k + \Gamma^k_{\phantom{k}ij} \dot{\gamma}^i \dot{\gamma}^j  = 0

    is a second order ordinary differential equation. We take the conventional approach of splitting
    this into two first-order ordinary differential equations.

        state: current state of the geodesic integration
        metric: function defining the metric tensor on the manifold

        derivatives used to compute update for the state

    sk_christ = sk_christoffel(state.point, metric)
    vector_dot = -jnp.einsum('kij, i, j -> k', sk_christ, state.vector, state.vector)

    return TangentSpace[jax.Array](state.vector, vector_dot)

riemax.manifold.geodesic.alternative_geodesic_dynamics(state: TangentSpace[jax.Array], metric: MetricFn) -> TangentSpace[jax.Array]

Compute geodesic dynamics, as per (Arvanitidis, G., Hansen, LK., Hauberg, S., 2018).1

Latent Space Oddity Approach

The paper 'Latent Space Oddity' provides a different formulation of the geodesic equation. It is not clear why this is useful or necessary, and obscures computation of the Christoffel symbols; nevertheless, an implementation is provided below.

Interestingly, seminal papers: 'A Geometric take on Metric Learning', 'Metrics for Probabilistic Models' use a similar approach but are missing a term. It appears that these are incorrect and should likely be revised to reflect their errors.

While the mathematical specification for the alternative dynamics makes use of vec, I avoid this to ensure we only have to compute the Jacobian of the metric tensor a single time.

  1. Arvanitidis, Georgios, Lars Kai Hansen, and Søren Hauberg. ‘Latent Space Oddity: On the Curvature of Deep Generative Models’. arXiv, 2021. 


Name Type Description Default
state riemax.manifold.types.TangentSpace[jax.Array]

current state of the geodesic integration

metric riemax.manifold.types.MetricFn

function defining the metric tensor on the manifold



Type Description

derivatives used to compute update for the state

Source code in src/riemax/manifold/
def alternative_geodesic_dynamics(state: TangentSpace[jax.Array], metric: MetricFn) -> TangentSpace[jax.Array]:
    r"""Compute geodesic dynamics, as per (Arvanitidis, G., Hansen, LK., Hauberg, S., 2018).[^1]

    !!! note "Latent Space Oddity Approach"
        The paper 'Latent Space Oddity' provides a different formulation of the geodesic equation. It is not clear why
        this is useful or necessary, and obscures computation of the Christoffel symbols; nevertheless, an
        implementation is provided below.

        Interestingly, seminal papers: 'A Geometric take on Metric Learning', 'Metrics for Probabilistic Models' use a
        similar approach but are missing a term. It appears that these are incorrect and should likely be revised to
        reflect their errors.

        While the mathematical specification for the alternative dynamics makes use of `vec`, I avoid this to ensure we
        only have to compute the Jacobian of the metric tensor a single time.

        Arvanitidis, Georgios, Lars Kai Hansen, and Søren Hauberg. ‘Latent Space Oddity: On the Curvature of Deep Generative Models’. arXiv, 2021. <a href=""></a>

        state: current state of the geodesic integration
        metric: function defining the metric tensor on the manifold

        derivatives used to compute update for the state

    contra_g_ij = contravariant_metric_tensor(state.point, metric)

    dgdx = jax.jacobian(metric)(state.point)
    central_term = 2.0 * einops.rearrange(dgdx, 'i j k -> i (j k)') - einops.rearrange(dgdx, 'i j k -> k (i j)')

    vector_dot = -0.5 * contra_g_ij @ central_term @ jnp.kron(state.vector, state.vector)

    return TangentSpace[jax.Array](state.vector, vector_dot)

riemax.manifold.geodesic.compute_geodesic_length(geodesic: TangentSpace[jax.Array], dt: float, metric: MetricFn, integral_approximator: IntegralApproximationFn = mean_integration) -> jax.Array

Compute length of the geodesic.

The length of a geodesic is defined as

\[ L(\gamma, \dot{\gamma}) = \int_0^1 \sqrt{ g_{\gamma} (\dot{\gamma}, \dot{\gamma}) } dt. \]

We note that this is not necessarily equivalent to the geodesic distance between two points.


Name Type Description Default
geodesic riemax.manifold.types.TangentSpace[jax.Array]

point on the geodesic

metric riemax.manifold.types.MetricFn

function defining the metric tensor on the manifold



Type Description

length of the geodesic

Source code in src/riemax/manifold/
def compute_geodesic_length(
    geodesic: TangentSpace[jax.Array],
    dt: float,
    metric: MetricFn,
    integral_approximator: IntegralApproximationFn = mean_integration,
) -> jax.Array:
    r"""Compute length of the geodesic.

    The length of a geodesic is defined as

    L(\gamma, \dot{\gamma}) = \int_0^1 \sqrt{ g_{\gamma} (\dot{\gamma}, \dot{\gamma}) } dt.

    We note that this is not necessarily equivalent to the geodesic distance between two points.

        geodesic: point on the geodesic
        metric: function defining the metric tensor on the manifold

        length of the geodesic

    quantity_fn = jtu.Partial(_compute_discretised_length, metric=metric)
    return _integrate_curve_quantity(quantity_fn, geodesic, dt, integral_approximator)

riemax.manifold.geodesic.compute_geodesic_energy(geodesic: TangentSpace[jax.Array], dt: float, metric: MetricFn, integral_approximator: IntegralApproximationFn = mean_integration) -> jax.Array

Compute energy of the geodesic.

The energy of a geodesic is defined as

\[ E(\gamma, \dot{\gamma}) = \int_0^1 g_{\gamma} (\dot{\gamma}, \dot{\gamma}) dt. \]


Name Type Description Default
geodesic riemax.manifold.types.TangentSpace[jax.Array]

point on the geodesic

metric riemax.manifold.types.MetricFn

function defining the metric tensor on the manifold



Type Description

energy of the geodesic

Source code in src/riemax/manifold/
def compute_geodesic_energy(
    geodesic: TangentSpace[jax.Array],
    dt: float,
    metric: MetricFn,
    integral_approximator: IntegralApproximationFn = mean_integration,
) -> jax.Array:
    r"""Compute energy of the geodesic.

    The energy of a geodesic is defined as

    E(\gamma, \dot{\gamma}) = \int_0^1 g_{\gamma} (\dot{\gamma}, \dot{\gamma}) dt.

        geodesic: point on the geodesic
        metric: function defining the metric tensor on the manifold

        energy of the geodesic

    quantity_fn = jtu.Partial(_compute_discretised_energy, metric=metric)
    return _integrate_curve_quantity(quantity_fn, geodesic, dt, integral_approximator)

riemax.manifold.geodesic.minimising_geodesic(p: M[jax.Array], q: M[jax.Array], metric: MetricFn, optimiser: optax.GradientTransformation, num_nodes: int = 20, n_collocation: int = 100, iterations: int = 100, tol: float = 0.0001) -> tuple[TangentSpace[jax.Array], bool]

Obtain energy-minimising geodesics between two points.

This implementation models the geodesic as a cubic spline, constrained at the two end-points. An optimisation problem is solved, obtaining parameters of the cubic spline which minimise the energy of the resulting geodesic; ideally, obtaining the length-minimising geodesic between the two points.


Name Type Description Default
p riemax.manifold.types.M[jax.Array]

first end-point of the geodesic

q riemax.manifold.types.M[jax.Array]

second end-point of the geodesic

metric riemax.manifold.types.MetricFn

function defining the metric tensor on the manifold

optimiser optax.GradientTransformation

optimiser to use for the optimisation procedure

num_nodes int

number of nodes to parameterise the cubic spline by

n_collocation int

number of points to evaluate energy at

iterations int

number of iterations to optimise for

tol float

tolerance for gradients of updates



Type Description

optimised geodesic, connecting the two points


whether the optimisation procedure converged

Source code in src/riemax/manifold/
def minimising_geodesic(
    p: M[jax.Array],
    q: M[jax.Array],
    metric: MetricFn,
    optimiser: optax.GradientTransformation,
    num_nodes: int = 20,
    n_collocation: int = 100,
    iterations: int = 100,
    tol: float = 1e-4,
) -> tuple[TangentSpace[jax.Array], bool]:
    """Obtain energy-minimising geodesics between two points.

    This implementation models the geodesic as a cubic spline, constrained at the two end-points. An optimisation
    problem is solved, obtaining parameters of the cubic spline which minimise the energy of the resulting geodesic;
    ideally, obtaining the length-minimising geodesic between the two points.

        p: first end-point of the geodesic
        q: second end-point of the geodesic
        metric: function defining the metric tensor on the manifold
        optimiser: optimiser to use for the optimisation procedure
        num_nodes: number of nodes to parameterise the cubic spline by
        n_collocation: number of points to evaluate energy at
        iterations: number of iterations to optimise for
        tol: tolerance for gradients of updates

        optimised geodesic, connecting the two points
        whether the optimisation procedure converged

    curve = CubicSpline.from_nodes(p, q, num_nodes)
    tt = jnp.linspace(0, 1, n_collocation, endpoint=True)

    def loss_fn(params: jax.Array) -> jax.Array:
        p_fn = jtu.Partial(_compute_discretised_energy, metric=metric)
        discrete_fn_eval = jax.vmap(p_fn)(curve.evaluate(tt, params))

        return jnp.mean(discrete_fn_eval)

    def update(
        params: jax.Array, opt_state: optax.OptState
    ) -> tuple[jax.Array, tuple[jax.Array, optax.OptState, jax.Array]]:
        loss, grads = jax.value_and_grad(loss_fn)(params)
        max_grad = jnp.max(grads)

        updates, opt_state = optimiser.update(grads, opt_state, params=params)
        params = tp.cast(jax.Array, optax.apply_updates(params, updates))

        return loss, (params, opt_state, max_grad)

    params = curve.init_params()
    opt_state = optimiser.init(params)

    max_grad = jnp.inf
    for _ in range(iterations):
        loss, (params, opt_state, max_grad) = update(params, opt_state)

        if max_grad < tol:

    geodesic = curve.evaluate(tt, params)

    return geodesic, max_grad < tol

riemax.manifold.geodesic.scipy_bvp_geodesic(p: jax.Array, q: jax.Array, metric: MetricFn, n_collocation: int = 100, explicit_jacobian: bool = False, tol: float = 0.0001) -> tuple[TangentSpace[jax.Array], bool]

Obtain geodesic connecting two points using scipy.integrate.solve_bvp

This method mirrors minimising_geodesic as scipy uses a similar scheme to solve boundary value problems. The scipy implementation does not consider fixed end-points though, and a separate set of boundary conditions must be optimised for. While the scipy implementation is more complete in terms of implementation, external calls are slower and cannot be jitted. The necessity for minimising a boundary condition residual is also a consideration.


Name Type Description Default
p jax.Array

first end-point of the geodesic

q jax.Array

second end-point of the geodesic

metric riemax.manifold.types.MetricFn

function defining the metric tensor on the manifold

n_collocation int

number of points to evaluate energy at

explicit_jacobian bool

whether to use jacobian computed by jax

tol float

tolerance for gradients of updates



Type Description

optimised geodesic, connecting the two points


whether the optimisation procedure converged

Source code in src/riemax/manifold/
def scipy_bvp_geodesic(
    p: jax.Array,
    q: jax.Array,
    metric: MetricFn,
    n_collocation: int = 100,
    explicit_jacobian: bool = False,
    tol: float = 1e-4,
) -> tuple[TangentSpace[jax.Array], bool]:
    """Obtain geodesic connecting two points using scipy.integrate.solve_bvp

    This method mirrors `minimising_geodesic` as scipy uses a similar scheme to solve boundary value problems. The scipy
    implementation does not consider fixed end-points though, and a separate set of boundary conditions must be
    optimised for. While the scipy implementation is more complete in terms of implementation, external calls are slower
    and cannot be jitted. The necessity for minimising a boundary condition residual is also a consideration.

        p: first end-point of the geodesic
        q: second end-point of the geodesic
        metric: function defining the metric tensor on the manifold
        n_collocation: number of points to evaluate energy at
        explicit_jacobian: whether to use jacobian computed by jax
        tol: tolerance for gradients of updates

        optimised geodesic, connecting the two points
        whether the optimisation procedure converged

    ndim = p.size
    dynamics = jtu.Partial(geodesic_dynamics, metric=metric)

    def numpy_wrapped(fn):
        def inner(*args: np.ndarray):
            return tuple(map(np.asarray, fn(*map(jnp.asarray, args))))

        return inner

    def t_last(fn):
        def inner(*args):
            return einops.rearrange(fn(*args), 't ... -> ... t')

        return inner

    def _fn_ode(_: jax.Array, x: jax.Array):
        geodesic_state = TangentSpace(point=x[:ndim, :].T, vector=x[ndim:, :].T)
        geodesic_update = jax.vmap(dynamics)(geodesic_state)

        geodesic_update = jnp.concatenate(jtu.tree_leaves(geodesic_update))

        return geodesic_update

    fn_ode = numpy_wrapped(t_last(jax.vmap(_fn_ode, in_axes=(None, 1))))

    fn_jacobian = None
    if explicit_jacobian:
        fn_jacobian = numpy_wrapped(t_last(jax.vmap(jax.jacobian(_fn_ode, argnums=1), in_axes=(None, 1))))

    def fn_bc(ya, yb):
        ra = ya[:ndim] - p
        rb = yb[:ndim] - q

        return jnp.concatenate((ra, rb))

    x_init = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, n_collocation, endpoint=True)

    gamma_init = np.einsum('i, j -> ij', p, (1.0 - x_init)) + np.einsum('i, j -> ij', q, x_init)
    gamma_dot_init = einops.repeat(q - p, 'i -> i t', t=n_collocation)

    y_init = np.concatenate((gamma_init, gamma_dot_init), axis=0)

    bvp_result = solve_bvp(fn_ode, fn_bc, x_init, y_init, fun_jac=fn_jacobian, tol=tol)
    geodesic = TangentSpace(point=bvp_result[:ndim, :].T, vector=bvp_result[ndim:, :].T)

    return geodesic, bvp_result.success